Extract from “Start with a Bang then Glimmer: A guide to becoming a SuperNova”

Something inside you stirs, whispering your name.

As the beat drums faster and the roar gets louder, you realise there’s a sleeping giant awaking inside of you. And it’s ready to make a bang!

It’s been buried for too long, lost, forgotten, starved, and waiting to be activated.

This time you hear it, but you’re still not sure exactly what it means. All you know is that you feel this deep longing hunger so something greater.

“We’re all called. If you’re here breathing, you have a contribution to make to our human community. The real work of your life is to figure out your function—your part in the whole—as soon as possible, and then get about the business of fulfilling it as only you can.” Oprah

Most people resist it.

They’re seemingly happy to live out their old lives. They resist the change, the responsibility, the yearning of being truly alive and fulfilled.

Are you really willing to crush your own soul, to break your own spirit, to live a meaningless life, and punish the world? That’s exactly what you’re up for by not answering the call.
Mediocrity. Buckets of it.

“The mere possibility of getting what we want fills the soul of the ordinary person with guilt. We look around at all those who have failed to get what they want and feel that we do not deserve to get what we want either. We forget about all the obstacles we overcame, all the suffering we endured, all the things we had to give up in order to get this far.” Unknown

Here’s the thing about that, you’ll keep dreaming. No one I know aspires to be less. I haven’t meet anyone like that that doesn’t on some level aspire to some degree of greatness. Sure, there are a lot of souls out there who have given up the game entirely … but they never aim for less.

The drum will continue to beat …. waiting for the right time to make things happen.
Are you listening?

“There is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It’s your mission on earth.” The Alchemist

Everything you truly want lives outside the way you’re doing things right now. The fact that you’re reading this book means that you know it’s true. There’s something missing right here and right now. There’s nothing new in that statement. We’ve heard it a billion times. My question is, are you willing to test it out?

Since you’ve investing all that energy doing things that are proven not to work – how about we step out of our own ways and step into our greatness.

I did. I decided that 2014 was not going to be just another year. I decided to get radical, and that meant stepping it up like I’ve never stepped up before. It started with writing this very book, and it hasn’t stopped there.

Supernova N49 (NASA, Chandra, 11/29/2006)

Supernova N49 (NASA, Chandra, 11/29/2006) (Photo credit: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center)

Embrace the shift!

Big things only start to happen when you’re READY to meet your moment.

That’s just a snippet from the book that I’ve written. You can preorder a copy here. This link will take you back to my crowdfunding campaign via Thundafund.com See, it takes just a little bit more then text and a pretty cover to really be a SuperNova and that’s why I’ve been shouting from the rooftops and calling people to get involved. Also note, the smallest donation = ZAR 50 = $4.75 =  €3.43. The largest is ZAR 1000 = $ 95 = 69 and entitles you to 3 hours worth of coaching as well as other rewards.
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Journey within

Often enough people come up to me thinking that they have it sussed out.

However, when we get tucked into conversations of what their actual purpose is …
They tell me their vision, or worse their profession.

Newsflash. You are not your job.

No big guy in the sky, or universal energy ever said “Bob, your purpose in life is to be a plumber”.

Should Bob happen to do that then fine, that’s what Bob does … but it’s not why he is. That’s not what he’s really here for. He’s not some drone that you turn on when your pipes are blocked, and turn
off again when things are full flow.

Tuck in Dear One, connect the dots, discover what band-camp you choose to play in and why.

My purpose is helping purpose centered entrepreneurs transform the lives of their audience. It also
happens to be what I am passionate about. BONUS.

It’s what I’ve always done. It’s what my soul always knew – even if back then I didn’t.

It’s why I was drawn into movie sets and stages, because here I’d play my part in creating a world, an experience, to which the audience was drawn.

It’s why I was drawn to music , because here I’d play my part in re-creating emotions, hopes, and desire which the audience so desperately longed for.

It’s why I was drawn to life coaching, because here I’d get to play with clients in redefining success
and what’s possible.

It’s why I was drawn to bring it all together to purpose centered entrepreneurs transform the lives of
their audience.

Here’s the ironic part. Stop thinking about it. Drop the ego, the hope, the need, the expectation. That’s just fluff … and a mangy patch at that.

P.S if you still want to join in the global meditation movement sign on up. Accept what out of your control, or that you missed a couple days, and know that you can still honour yourself from this moment on.

What I learnt from becoming anemic

September 2012.

I paused to catch my breath. Even the simplest thing felt tedious. I was amazed at how much more effort it took me to do just about anything.

My laptop was all packed up for vacation a couple months too early. She’d just shut down at will for the sake of of a break. My charger was dead again. Didn’t I just buy a new one 2 weeks ago? By now I’d gone through 2 chargers and a tune up that dipped into my fleeting bank account – and without avail.

My cellphone soon followed suit.

Getting from the office to my car felt like a expedition up K2. My hair was falling out … and no ammount of coffee or sugar was getting me throughout the day.

And on that note, my body would explode at the intake of certain foods and drinks. Coffee soon became my enemy, and Coca Cola became my new short lived fling. Strawberries and anything trying to be a strawberry-flavoured-substitute popped ache all over my face. My beloved relationship with dairy became rocky fast.

I even remember almost passing out at a NIA class while we were still warming up.Something was clearly wrong and I needed to change my life around.

I booked an appointment with the most amazing GP in the world, Dr Cleveland, and after a couple of test we discovered that I was anemic. Not the end of the world, but something I needed to work “on”.At least that’s how I saw it then. A year later and things are shifting, but not hundreds yet. I’ve moved from working on it to with it. It’s actually being a great lesson.

So why am I telling you all this.

1. Maybe you’re anemic too … If so, I think you’ll find some of these tidbits really useful.


Factors which Affect Iron Absorption and Retention

  • The most important factor is your existing iron level. A low iron level will increase absorption, while a high iron level will decrease absorption. In general, you absorb 10-15% of the iron from foods.2
  • Meat proteins will increase the absorption of nonheme iron.2
  • Vitamin C will increase the absorption of nonheme iron by as much as 85%.2,3
  • Tannins, oxalates, polyphenols, and phytates found in tea and coffee can reduce the absorption of non-heme iron by up to 65%. Black tea reduces absorption more than green tea and coffee.2,3,4
  • The following teas and beverages also inhibit iron absorption: Peppermint tea, cocoa, vervain, lime flower, chamomile, and most other herbal teas with polyphenols.4
  • Calcium, polyphenols, and phytates found in legumes, whole grains, and chocolate can reduce absorption of nonheme iron.
  • Some protein from soy products may inhibit nonheme iron absorption.2
  • Calcium, milk, and antacids can inhibit absorption of iron supplements.5
  • High fiber foods, such as whole grains, raw vegetables, and bran can inhibit absorption of iron supplements.5
  • Foods or drinks with caffeine can inhibit absorption of iron supplements.5

Read more at http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/food-sources-of-iron.php#y5TP2eIkiDLCgQ7H.99


2. It’s a lesson in CAN.

  • Have you ever quit smoking – even if it as just a couple of months?
  • Have you ever put yourself on a diet and completed it?
  • Have you ever got up early to train for a marathon ?
  • Have you ever learnt to love something you always hated ?
  • Have you ever done anything that’s pushed you out of your norm?

There are so many things we tell ourselves we can’t do. It’s impossible. However, there have been countless times in your life where you not only shifted your actions, but you shifted your thoughts and you created a whole new way of doing things.

  • Maybe it’s quitting smoking for real?
  • Maybe it’s actually going to the gym?
  • Maybe it’s discovering that spinach is actually pretty damn tasty?
  • Maybe it’s whatever. There’s always something. Whatever that is for you I just want you to give yourself the space to admire the feat.

It might seem small and insignificant right now, but you actually did something amazing. You dropped the can’t, changed your thoughts, and changed your actions. Chances are, you’ve done this more than once too!

I remember craving chocolate and letting myself have a piece. Sometimes I spat it out right there and then realizing I tricked myself. Once I went with it and suffered for it. I could continue to choose to
indulge this habit (even with just the smallest piece) but I knew that the only person I was cheating was myself. I choose to be my number one fan, and dropped the idea of going to war with myself.

I know that eating chocolate isn’t going to kill me, but it’s not going to make feel good either. If I can do that with a piece of chocolate … then I could do that with anything that wasn’t helping
me be awesome. (my failure formula)

You don’t need to have a near death experience to wake up and make the right choice. You just need to let go of what doesn’t work for you.
Drop whatever doesn’t serve you – keep whatever does. It’s a choice. It’s your choice!