Making the right things count – part one

-Not everything that can be counted

And yet, we’re obsessed with making every little thing count! In this article I’ll be exploring life beyond the “like”, and focusing on what really matters.









  • Is your Twitter account chirping followers or crickets?
  • Are you on a mission to get a lot of Facebook loving?
  • Do you’re pins travel the globe, first class – with a jet pack?

Are you craving someone to like you? Is this even about you ? It’s not. It’s about your story, it’s about your mission, and it’s about living a life on purpose. Sure, every SuperNova deserves her glimmer, but it’s not about life in the middle of the spot light. If you’re after that, then you might as wall join the line to get into Hollywood! This is not the way to score how awesome you really are.

I’ll chat more about how you can measure you’re awesomeness in an upcoming blog – so watch this space!

Before I get onto that topic let’s look at the truth of where we are. We’re searching for acceptance, appreciation and above all love! It’s human nature.

The problem is when we conflate our work with ourselves.

Let me tell you a trivial but really real little story. I was putting together a workbook for a coach training program a couple of years back and I poured ever ounce of myself into it. Everything came together last-minute, all the printers were closed, and I needed to get all the book bound. So I borrowed a machine and spent half the night trying to figure it out and bind 30+ books. (A feat proving tricky with zero muscle tone.) It was tedious, laborious, and filled with gremlins. The next day I rocked up, with 2 unbound books, and a serious case of “I failed!” I couldn’t hear the compliments because of two books (which we did not end up using!).

I measured my success by being two books short of the original quota which became an outright fail.I didn’t consider the turnout of the workshop @ 95%. The quality of the content in the book. Or the level of transformation and value each of the students actually got. My not performing 110% and meeting expectations crushed me.

So how does this trace back to social media. Well it’s not very different … in principle. The more likes we think we accumulate means more success.  You might think it means you’ll lock more sales … but we both know that’s not always the case. Quality trumps quantity any day… and it pays

We just want to be seen, valued, heard, and accepted and since most of our lives are spent plugged into the digital … we think all those emotions IN the digital realm too.

That’s why we hunt for likes, and friends, or why we do a happy dance is a bigger name retweets us….

All of a sudden we’re in the league of awesome.

And yet, we just fell for the oldest trick in the book… didn’t we?



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So how do you measure your success?

Let me know in the comments section below:









23 thoughts on “Making the right things count – part one

  1. I know I personally struggle with getting traffic to my blog. I always get depressed when I look at my UMV. I’ve vowed to stop looking! lol

    • @Gina …. There’s so much pressure to pump out things mass production style and get clicks. It enough to leave anyone feeling like a scrambled egg.

  2. I find that its hard once in awhile and maybe overworking doesn’t help. However, I try to rely on the positive and take it one step at a time to improve and change my writing skills to the way I share my blog to the world. It is a bit tricky yet facebook is my one problem area. I’m not huge on that site and I slowly have followers from my blog.

  3. i’ve been blogging for 2 years now i started with no expectations at all. seeing my daily views and such sometimes wont make you satisfied. but then i have this people who sponsor your blog and paid you for something blog related, that is when i get so alive.

  4. It’s a toss between 1) strength in numbers and 2) quality over quantity 🙂
    You take your pick, make it work for you, and hopefully it also makes you happy.

  5. First- the gifs rock!

    It’s really difficult- I was so concerned with numbers, stats, etc. until I remembered it’s about quality not quantity. I have loyal and wonderful followers and we maintain a super active conversation on Twitter, G+, Facebook and my blog. That’s the most important part- engagement on my blog vs the bouncing visitors.

    Fantastic post!

  6. I never give myself enough credit and I know it. I try and work my as hard as I can with everything I do, but when I don’t complete it,or you don’t hear anything good about your work for so long, you just start to doubt yourself.

  7. I’ve been blogging for a while now and there are definitely rewards, but I think the important thing is to focus on the things you know and like and express those in the most passionate way possible and everything else follows. Like Liz Mays says, numbers only matter if anyone’s listening. If you have 100K followers but nobody is listening, then what’s the point? I’ve seen people with only 400 followers that get more engagement than someone with 10 times that.

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