Why we think we can’t have what we want

Isn’t it strange to think that the very thing you want the most is actually what you’re least likely to achieve. I mean, it’s not impossible, but somehow you’ve gone and stacked the odds up like tower of dominoes (and we know where that goes).

Here are 9 things that we resist the most (but secretly want the most)

  1. Launching of any entrepreneurial movement for financial gain
  2. Any health or weight loss regiment
  3. Any program of spiritual advancement
  4. Any activity that results in tighter abdominals
  5. Any course designed to overcome addiction
  6. Education of every kind
  7. The undertaking of any endeavor that’s goal is to help others
  8. Any act that requires commitment of the heart
  9. The taking of any principle stand in the face of adversity

So where does that leave you … and above all dear one, where does that leave your audience?


Is it just to bold of a move?

Are we asking our audience to move to the moon in some unlabeled galaxy? Nope. So then why is there this glass ceiling around the very thing we all want the most?

Some people make it about the nitty gritty things. Things like time and money. Sure, I’ve had my share of leads drowning in debt eager for a freebie or a sponsored deal, but most of the time it wasn’t that drastic.

And yet, I fell hook, line, and sinker into their Chicken Little story (the one where the sky keeps falling). I’ve met my share of cons and drama queens. I’ve met my share of poker players. But here’s something I discovered … it’s not about time and money … it’s about the perception of it.

Technically I’m talking about opportunity cost.

You’re potential audience is freaking out about a perceived threat … not an actual threat. They’re convinced that investing in greatness means something’s got to give. Perhaps it means losing sleep to cram for the exam, or no longer being able to indulge in buying luxuries because they owe you cash, or maybe they think it means losing out on me time.

That’s the real deal. They might just lose something. No one wants to lose (and that’s no secret).

Once you get past that twisted “logic”, then BAM, there’s the next tipping point.

“Is this actually going to get me closer to the ultimate experience?”

The good thing about this spot is, now they’re edging into your territory. They’re thinking about their deeper intentions … and if this product / service / skill set is up to it. This is where testimonials really help you out. You need to be clear about what you’re selling and understand what the benefits are…

Next Hurdle.

Sure, it’s in the right band camp but does it have soul?

What’s going to make them sign the dotted line …?

Is it a flashy showcase? Is it in the stats? Is it in the theory?

Nope, it’s in the soul.

It’s in the experience.

It’s in the pudding.

So you might as well stop taunting your clients with cheese on a stick and other appetizers.

If your clients can experience getting there needs met, experiencing values are dearest to them, and getting actual value … you’re a legend in the making.


There’s just a teeny tiny little problem. A spec of fluff really. But it’s enough to create skid marks.

Exit Door #1. Are we there yet?

Exit Door #2 the sky’s still falling!


What’s behind door Number 1?

If your audience feels like they need to sign their life away (or just a couple months, years will do) they’re going to start complaining that it’s taking too long. Before you know it, we’ll be right back to the very first conversation.


What’s behind door number 2?

Complete, shuttering, helplessness! Your potential audience feels like their floating out in the ether without a life jacket. They have no power to do anything. The dice have been thrown, the chips have been set, and the stars are most definitely not in alignment. It’s a messy kind of breakdown.

The real kicker is when you find out they’re not the one with the buying power.

Here are 9 things that we resist the most (but secretly want the most)

  1. Launching of any entrepreneurial movement for financial gain
  2. Any health or weight loss regiment
  3. Any program of spiritual advancement
  4. Any activity that results in tighter abdominals
  5. Any course designed to overcome addiction
  6. Education of every kind
  7. The undertaking of any endeavour that’s goal is to help others
  8. Any act that requires commitment of the heart
  9. The taking of any principle stand in the face of adversity

Why else do you think you’re losing them?

It’s not about how – that’s what you’re there for.

Why else would your potential audience simply fizzle out?

I want you to think back long and hard to when you attempted any of these and see what else came up for you.

We’ll check-in in a post or two.











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